
Friday, 24 June 2011

Should You Consider Laser Facial Hair Removal?

There are several reasons why women and even men tend to opt for laser facial hair removal today. Ever since the procedure was developed in the late 1990's, laser facial hair removal has caught on quite popularly among the masses, especially since it provides a permanent solution to the problem of facial hair. Women across the world have started getting tired of using waxing, shaving or tweezing as options to get rid of unwanted hair. Men also have started turning to getting treatments done to avoid the hassle of having to shave everyday to get that smooth and hairless look.
Women face a huge disadvantage from using methods like tweezing, waxing, bleaching or shaving their faces as compared to laser facial hair removal. Some of these disadvantages are:

Facial Hair Removal
• Darkening of the skin
• Roughening the skin texture
• Itching or burning in some cases, depending on the skin type
• Might lead to allergies or rashes
• Repeated use of might also cause permanent damage to the skin.
• They are time consuming
• Hair grows back within days or within a month
Considering all these negatives, it comes as no surprise that the number of women opting for laser treatments has increased significantly over the past 5 to 6 years. Moreover, laser removal has even been guaranteed as a safe measure by medical associations, which has removed the doubt that some women might have had concerning safety of their face and skin.
The male population also has several down sides to cope with when it comes to shaving.
Some of the positives of using laser facial hair removal for men are:
• Saves time taken to shave every day
• Leaves the face looking smooth and professional all the time
• Helps in avoiding the cuts and bruises that are a normal accompaniment to shaving
• Prevents the irritation that develops from bruises
• Avoids pseudo-folliculitis, which is a painful inflammatory condition caused by the razor blade bumps
• Does not darken the skin, which is the case with continuous shaving
With the ability to get that perfectly groomed look, along with the above advantages, the number of men who are going for laser facial hair removal has also constantly increased in recent time.
The laser treatment is not very complicated.

It can last for as short as 10 minutes and sometimes, in rare cases, up to 30 minutes. What laser hair removal procedures do is to target the hair follicle on the facial skin, thereby destroying the root of the hair. Since this is done using a laser energy beam, it does not harm the skin in any way. Moreover, it is a completely pain free process, and once done, you don't have to worry about unwanted hair anymore.
One thing to keep in mind though, is to always make sure you go for a laser facial hair removal treatment only to approved centers, which can produce proof that they have medical certification to perform the procedure.
Make sure you don't end up with rough facial skin from bad laser therapy. In a recent article on "Why We Are In The Hair Removal For Man Era" I talk about this possibility. When considering the cost of laser hair removal be sure to factor in the possibility of something going wrong.
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