My birthparents weren't married - they went on and married different people, and each had 2 children - a boy and a girl. I met my half brother and sister on my birthmother's side- but never met my half brother and sister on my birthfather's side - because he had said that he hadn't told them, and wanted to keep it a secret. That was 17 years ago.
So, something made me look the other day - on Facebook - and bingo! In about 30 seconds, I found both my half brother and sister!
For some reason, I decided to look up my half-siblings on my birthfather's side on Facebook. I immediately found them - all of a sudden I was looking at adults who were related to me by blood - and who knew nothing about me.
I sent my birthfather a message on FB - asking his thoughts on me contacting them. I had decided I would do it, no matter, since we were all adults now. Surprisingly, he was very open to it! He called me, and said he would talk to both of them. - Now what to expect?!
The next day, I received a lovely message from my half brother's wife. She said that they were both blown away (I can't even imagine!), and that my half brother wanted to speak to me on the phone! *Thrilled*!
I called, and we so immediately hit it off! It was wonderful! - We spoke for over 2 hours that night, and have talked on the phone several times since. And we're doing a lot of texting. His wife is equally enthusiastic, and a doll - she and I also spent 2 hours on the phone. They have two sweet little babies - so I have a new niece and nephew! My daughter has a new aunt and uncle!
He was upset that he didn't know about this for all of these years. Who knew? We've exchanged pictures, and are trying to catch up on time lost. There was such a connection between us - and - love.
So, when you start this journey - you are "half" - sometimes, when you least expect it - your half becomes a "whole".
My brother.
It has a nice ring
I'd love to hear from others - what are your stories? And if anyone who is just getting started in their search would like some help, advice, etc. - I'd like to hear from you as well!
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